
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

In the beginning..?

Well, here I am, finally. I've been thinking about doing this for...oh, well over a couple of years now. I've been putting it off, because, well, what have I got to write about? And would anyone really want to read it? However, due to the fact that a couple of friends said when I mentioned it that they thought I would write something interesting, I figured, maybe they're right. And if so, then probably someone will read it. You know, maybe as many as 10. Or 11, including me.

So, back to the first question-what do I have to write about? Well, I have a few ideas here and there, scattered about randomly, but to start off with, I thought I'd write about me. Not (just) because I might be incredibly self obsessed, but there are actually some fairly good reasons to do so. Maybe. First, because I haven't really thought about a direction of where this is going to go, so I may as well give you some background-you know, some idea of some things that might pop up now and then. Also, down to the idea that when you don't know what to write, write what you know; at least to start. And while I may not know as much about me as I probably think I do, I do know something. So, that gives me somewhere to start-and, you, when you've read it, some idea of whether you want to read any more. I hope at least some of you do, but if you don't, you're probably right. I mean, you know what you like, and all.

So, then, who am I? Or, maybe what (apart from maybe self obsessed-I mean, here I am, randomly wittering on, in the hope that maybe someone will want to read it)? Well, I think, the most important thing (possibly the only important thing) is that I am me, and I am unique. That's two things, but then there were two questions. Who and what. Now, let's be absolutely clear here-I'm not saying that there is no-one like me. That's nonsense, there are loads of people like me-I mean, for a start, there are only a limited number of ways facial features can be arranged. I have two eyes and ears and one nose and mouth, and they're arranged pretty much as they're supposed to be. I guess. In general, most people seem to have them more or less the same way. So, in general, there are several billion people who are like me. More specifically, there are people who share some of the same thoughts, beliefs, opinions and tastes as me. Some of them. I know several people who read almost as much as me, and like a lot of the same books. I know several people who like a lot of the same music as me-though I've been getting to listen to a LOT more since I started playing around with Spotify. (Recently, I've listened to Guided By Voices, Skrillex and Carrie Underwood because someone mentioned them, and because I could-that's pretty random, I think. I like all of them, mostly.) There might even be a few other people who think that this post is interesting enough to be worth putting up. So. There are people like me.
But, and this is the important point, there is only one person who is exactly like me. Only one me. I am unique, because God made me that way. That's the good news. And the even better news? So are you.

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