
Friday, 22 February 2013

My Birthday (Week)

So, after a rather hectic weekend, I looked forward to what would hopefully be a nice relaxing week off, starting with my actual birthday on the 12th. I'd sort of arranged for my sister to come over, and my mum got in touch to tell me she would be coming round as well. She got here first, we had a cuppa, and together we wondered where my sister was. She got here after a bit, and gave me a card, but told me I wasn't allowed to open my presents until my niece got here, as she would want to give them to me herself. She was at the Cheltenham animal shelter-apparently they do days out for children to get them used to animals and looking after them, and she goes there quite a bit. So after a bit, we went to pick her up (she had very much enjoyed herself), and came home. And then presents were presented, and cards, and a bit later, cake was shared. Which was nice. Cake is pretty much always nice. And a very nice time was had by all of us. And in the evening I went to help with serving food at ALPHA, and got pancakes, because it was Shrove Tuesday. Nice.

The rest of the week was actually pretty quiet. Which was nice, but a little boring in places. For instance, I almost went to a pub quiz on the Thurs evening. I had discovered the theme was all things American, so I thought I would bring some Americans with me. But unfortunately, the only Americans I know who were somewhat local were busy, which was a shame. I didn't really want to go without them, as I figured I probably wouldn't know that much about America.
However, I did have a good time online. It toook me a couple of hours to reply to all the good wishes on Facebook, and, in the process, having several conversations with friends I hadn't spoken to for a while. Which was brilliant. And I also discovered that I share my birthday with a certain Nicola Elizabeth (Nicky) Day, who is one of the guitarists in Hearts Under Fire, a band I was introduced to a couple of years ago. Who are great, so check them out.

I did, however, have a very good Saturday. I had that day off as well, so a friend took the opportunity to go to Good News Centre, a local(ish) Christian book shop with cafe, in Newent. It's a lovely place to go (Newent or GNC), but if you don't drive, as I don't, it's difficult to get there. So I don't go there much, but I always enjoy it when I do. And in the evening, we did something which I don't get to do very often, and that's play 'Risk'. I really love that game, but as a short game can take in excess of 3 hours, I don't get the chance to get enough people together to give it a go. So that was the way I ended my week off, more or less. A few friends round, snacks in, and a game of Risk. And, to top it all off, another birthday cake. Anyone would think I liked birthday cakes or something. Well, I definitely do, so more of them please.

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