So, this week just gone was characterised by several things; creativity, prayer, emotions, and tears. If that makes it sound quite depressing, I should say at once that it wasn't-the range of emotions was all over the place. On Monday, I went to a meeting to do with Trinity Arts, which is pretty self explanatory-my church is called Holy Trinity and we are hoping/aiming to develop art and creativity in the church. We have been going a while, and have put on several events and workshops, and we have a meeting every so often. Usually, I find these meetings fun, but am left feeling slightly disappointed; but this time, something just seemed to click for me, and I felt that we were getting somewhere for the first time (that is, I felt it for the first time, not the first time it's happened). We spoke and prayed about several things, including the event by Springs Dance Company on Thursday. Anyway, there was a good time and spirit about the whole meeting, and I look forward to see what will come of it.
Tuesday was the last ALPHA evening, which was a bit sad. The Taskforce arranged to have a get together next week, which was good. And then we realised we couldn't go down the pub afterwards as usual, as they were having new floors put in. So Luke bought a couple of bottles of wine and entertained us all with his impressions of Little Britain. And a good time again was had by all. And I suggested getting together to go for a walk Easter Monday.
I don't think anything out of the ordinary happened Wednesday, except I was in work all day on my own. So I relaxed in the evening.
Thursday was the evening of the Springs event 'Bread of Life'; which I really can't describe. This may be because I'm not that good at description (you decide), or just that dance is more on an emotional level than intellectual. I can tell you that everyone I spoke to enjoyed it, and I had tears in my eyes at a couple of points.
And then Friday. Good Friday. Where we had a meditative type service, with paintings along the walls. I was stewarding this, which also meant I helped with the Communion-something I've never done before. I've always wondered about doing that; and when it finally happened, it felt like just serving in any other capacity. Which was interesting in itself. On the one hand, it kind of feels that it should be 'different' in some way, and on the other hand, I was just there because they needed help and I was going to the service anyway. The main centrepoint of the service was a cross in the centre, and people were invited to put a hand in paint and put it on the cross as a visual reminder that sin went from us onto Him at the cross-and, I guess that sin is messy. And after the service I went to look around the place I am now going to move into at the end of this month-and then told my landlord I am moving. All I have to do now is give him the written notice, which he should have picked up yesterday. Something to pray about, maybe?
So, that was my week-and following that came EASTER!. More on that to come...
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