I was still recovering from the move and not taking any time off work (which was a really bad idea, by the way), so thankfully the wedding was at 4. Which meant that despite the fact that it took me about an hour to get there (due to not being able to drive, you know), I still managed to get there on time. Even a few minutes early-which is unheard of for me. So strange I didn't quite believe it myself.
The wedding was held at Blackfriars Priory, a place I was only vaguely aware of before the invitation. It's an old, ruined abbey partly restored by the National Trust; and is a beautiful place, both grounds and building. So, people arrived, we all got ourselves seated, more or less, and the music started. and at some point after that, the bride came in. I don't know quite what the music was, but some of it was from 'Star Wars'. And the ceremony got underway. It all went well, apart from a slight hitch when the groom apparently didn't know which the ring finger was-even though the bride had helpfully put 'THIS ONE' on her nail. It was even a different colour to the rest. However, that slight hitch over, the rest of it went smoothly. There were a couple of readings, including 'The Lovely (other) Dinosaur', and some bad jokes from the registrar; and then it was time for post-celebratory drinks at the bar. Pimms, anyone? Don't mind if I do.
And then it was a free for all with wandering around, and chatting to all and sundry, with the photographer taking all sorts of photos. I'm even in a few of them, here and there. I nipped off into town to pick up a card-I had a present (of sorts) but no card-and got back just in time to be in a whole group photo. And after that, there was a photo taken of the throwing of the bouquet. I wasn't in that one. And then came another opportunity for photos with a procession of us all from the wedding venue to the reception venue, which was a few minutes walk away through the centre of town. Well, why not, eh?
And then it was basically non-stop partying; or, well, chatting-and-drinking-and-eating(with vegan food, even the cakes)-and-chatting-and-well-maybe-a-bit-of-dancing-as-well ...

All photos by Angela Maria Bracewell of Stark Photography.
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