
Saturday, 5 April 2014

Annnnd... Rest

So, after getting tired because of working some hours more than usual, that comes to an end again, and I can think about things again.

It's interesting what being too tired does to you, though it doesn't feel too good at the time. My guess is that everyone has experienced it, so I don't need to go into detail here.

The most obvious thing is that you find it more difficult to think. Which not only means it's more difficult to process things, but that you are more liable to make mistakes. And not necessarily pick them up; which means you then have more to deal with, as you have to sort out problems as well as deal with new situations happening.

I also found myself thinking some quite random thoughts; though maybe that's just me, and I noticed them more. But the main problem is that I felt worse. I don't just mean that I found it difficult to concentrate at times, obviously that happened; but that things seemed to be more difficult to deal with. Especially people - not that I'm great at dealing with people in general, anyway.

But it seemed almost as if people were going out of their way to be difficult sometimes. I'm guessing this wasn't actually the case, though how I'd ever find out is beyond me. But, it's great how quick it is to get back to normal (whatever that is)  after a bit of rest. I had a couple of days off, which I really enjoyed (and which were mildly productive); and I feel quite different.

But what it really brings home to me is that I am not necessarily a nice person. I'm not saying I'm awful; just that it didn't take that long for me to more or less stop bothering so much with the other person's point of view. You know, why couldn't they just do what I wanted them to do - clearly that would be best for everyone.

Which is an excellent visual of what sin is. Call it 'brokenness' or 'imperfection' if you like; but it's exactly why we need God.

The prayer 'give me strength' is both a cry for help in the most stressful times, and a hope that we can be made better than we are - strong enough, good enough to change things for the better; permanently.

Annnd... rest.

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