
Wednesday, 5 December 2012


I had an unusual week last week, which started off with the visit to Leeds, and it made me think. After getting back, I spent 2 days working in the Gloucester shop, which was different; and then 2 days working on my own, partly due to another member of staff going to hospital (thankfully, he's alright, but will be off for several more days), which was unexpected. So, different and unexpected set the tone for the next few days...

Like, for instance, seeing a friend I hadn't seen for ages. Which was great. Or, phoning my mum and finding out that we'll be spending Christmas at my sister's new place-that I haven't been to yet. Unexpected because we don't usually do that, and different because it's a new place. So that will be great. Different, unexpected, great. However, the biggest two things (Thing One and Thing Two) are quite a bit different-mainly because they're so big. My flatmate told me that he's decided to move out and move back home-to Great Yarmouth-which means that things are all up in the air at the moment as to what is going to happen. All that is certain is that he is definitely leaving at the end of the month. So, that's huge. And, then, a friend mentions that he will be moving soon, and asks if I want to move in with him. I don't know yet, but I'm definitely not dismissing the idea out of hand.  So, whatever happens here, there will be some big changes in my life coming up soon.
And all this made me think about change. I don't really like change. I deal with things slowly, and I like it that way. I know for a fact that if I'd been offered the chance to move before my flatmate decided to move, I almost certainly wouldn't have taken it. And I'd have felt maybe disappointed at an opportunity lost, despite the fact that it would have been my choice. So, what does that say about me-and about life? Well, the main thing to get, that these past few days have reminded me forcefully, is that life is unpredictable. Of course, it's easy to say that, and to say that we believe it; but it's not so easy not only to live knowing it, but also to get to a state where that is (more or less) comfortable. But if that's the way life is, then there's nothing we can do about that; so it's better to accept that and learn to enjoy it. Another point, which is huge but seems small, is that change isn't either good or bad necessarily. Obviously some things are good or bad, but most things just are. And the final point I need to remember-maybe you do too- is that not changing can be in itself a bad thing; it can actually be worse than most changes eventually. So, time to change..?

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