Not exactly chrononlogical this post, as they're spread out over the month; but for me, carols are an integral part of preparing for Christmas. Something I always look forward to and enjoy.
The first one was in the middle of the month-at a university campus. I have a friend who is a chaplain's assistant at the local uni, based at Pittville, which is a bit out of the way. So part of his job is to come up with events that the students can do - and if that has some relationship to church, that's all the better. So, for him, doing a carol service was both good fun, and completely within his remit. I went along because he invited loads of people he knew, presumably with the idea that at least some people would know the carols. And, obviously, we might enjoy it. That's why I went along, anyway. And I definitely did enjoy it. Apart from it being in the S.U. bar, it was a pretty traditional service, though instead of a sermon, the talk was someone giving us his story about how he came to know God. Which was brilliant in itself. I can say that everyone seemed to enjoy it, and he said that one of the students came along to church the next Sunday because of ;)it-and came to know God for herself. Even more brilliant. Well done Joe ;)
The next couple I went to I didn't really get to take part in properly, though I still had a good time. They were both ones at my church, and I was helping serve mulled wine, spiced apple, and mince pies after the service. As a result, I didn't really get to be in the actual service much, as it takes a while to produce enough for several hundred people. In the first one, I went in for a short while, and for the second, there was a video link; which was good, but not quite the same as being in the church. However, in both of these, I had a great time after the service mingling with all and sundry. Lots of people there, including quite a few I hadn't seen for quite some time. After the first, I heard that a couple of people came to know Jesus for themselves, which is also brilliant; haven't heard about the others yet.
And then I went to another service at St Matthews, which was a bit different. A lot more structured (as far as I could tell, anyway), and they had a choir. What was particularly good about this one was that I saw some friends I don't see very often. Which was nice. And then I went back to my church to meet up with people after the service, which was just finishing-nice timing. More mince pies and mulled wine, and the opportunity to actually chat to a few or more people this time. A very good way to prepare for Christmas, in my opinion. :D
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