
Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Party Time!

A few days ago, I had a party for my 40th birthday. I haven't actually had the birthday yet, that's in a couple of days time, as I write this; but, I was persuaded that I definitely should have a party this year. I don't generally make a big deal of my birthday, cos I'm not hugely keen on celebrating, or on large groups; and I'm really bad at organising. So I don't bother, usually, apart from taking time off work. Because I can.

Back in the summer, a couple of friends said they would organise a party, but that didn't end up happening; so I ended up doing it myself. A conversation with someone at a friend's birthday celebration decided the day, so then I just had to let people know. Which you would think was easy, what with Facebook events and suchlike; but, apart from the fact that hardly anyone actually pays attention to those, I know quite a few others who aren't on Facebook. I know, incredible, isn't it?

But, somehow or other, it all got pulled together, with the help of several friends; and turned out brilliantly. There were quite a few (nice) surprises. Like, for example, I got home from work on the day to discover my housemate had tidied the house and set things out ready-and got balloons and a banner saying 'Happy Birthday'. And things only got better from there on. A whole bunch of friends came, several who weren't sure whether they would be able to make it. Which was nice. And some came from literally hundreds of miles-including my best friend, who lives in Leeds. He didn't think he'd be able to afford it, and, indeed, wouldn't have been able to, if it wasn't for the fact that another couple, mutual friends, offered to pay his coach fare, and put him up for a few days. And none of them told me; so that was a massive surprise when I went to the door.
And the last outstanding moment was when the cake came in. Another friend, who's fond of baking, offered to make me a cake; but I wasn't expecting one like the one that appeared. It was huge; basically a black Forest gateau with raspberries instead of cherries. And she got candles, and brought it in to everyone singing 'Happy Birthday'. I'm not saying I had tears in my eyes, but I wouldn't like to swear definitely that I didn't.

Well, after that, it was always going to be a really great evening; and, as far as I can tell, everyone enjoyed themselves. I certainly did, and I've only had positive comments from people who were there. I was a little concerned about making sure I got to speak with everyone, but I think I managed it. And I've still got my actual birthday to look forward to. Which among other things will be when I get around to opening all my cards. Not so much presents-although they were presented in abundance, most of them seemed to be alcohol-what do my friends think of me? But there will be people round again that evening, as my small group is on that evening, so it's not going to finish until we've made a reasonable dent in the amount of alcohol left. Because I don't really want to drink it all by myself-honest.

So, a lovely evening all over-and at least one person has said I should do it again next year. I'm not convinced, but I've got plenty of time to work on that...

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