Well, this is a bit of an odd post. In that, normally, you would expect one like this to come at the beginning of a year. But I decided to leave it for a bit, because, although I can see some good in making resolutions at New Year, it's always felt somewhat artificial to me. And I think that resolutions can be done at any time, so it's better to think about them, and do them when you are clear on them.
So, my 'resolutions', such as they are, are a bit different to how you might expect. I've been thinking about what God has been doing, and what He has been showing me of what the future might hold; and resolved to try to go along with that, as much as possible.
Therefore, my first resolution is to keep working on relationships. Mainly those I already have, as that is difficult enough for me-and, as I get better at them, then I should get better at new ones, too. I have been putting a lot of energy into that over the past few months, and that has been good in several ways. I have learned a lot about myself by pushing myself in relationships, where previously I probably wouldn't have; and, though at times, it hs been exhausting, it has also been rewarding. I have changed for the better, in that I am finding relationships easier, and also enjoying them more. I am finding it more enjoyable spending time with people (though, as I'm an introvert, it can also be quite tiring at times, and I must watch that); and, more importantly, I'm getting to know new people. And I'm really glad I do.
My second is to try to be more open to God more often, and co-operate when He shows me stuff He wants me to do. He said a while back that the word He wants to use to sum up this year for me is 'surprise' (see here), and I'm kind of looking forward to that. But the important thing in that is that if I'm going to have anything change permanently, then I have to do things-but they have to be the right things. So, co-operation with God.
And, following on from that, the other resolution is to take opportunities more often. This goes along with both the previous ones; both in that God will offer me opportunities that I can choose to take (or not), and also, as I continue to build relationships, other possibilities will come up that I can choose to do something about. probably nothing bad will happen if I don't take them; but also, nothing will necessarily change. And change is an integral part of life, so, if I want to live, I have to be willing to change. Which I'm okay with, but, more importantly, I have to be willing to make change happen. I'm neither good at, nor comfortable with doing that; but, it is something that needs to happen. So I need to do it.
That's my resolutions. I'm putting them down here, for two reasons. First, to get them clear in my head; to know what I want and need, and what I have to aim for. And, second, to let others know, so you can help. Ask me about them, and encourage me in them. I hope you do. Thanks in advance.
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