Another thing to
remember is that it's easier than we think. God is on our side, and
wants us to figure out the right thing to do, so He will help us as much
as He can.
So, something you may have seen before, but I think is worth repeating:
the 5 'CS'. In
order, these are Controlling Spirit; Confirming Scripture;
Circumstantial Signs; Counsel of the Saints; and Common Sense. In other
words, what do you feel about x; God speaking through the Bible; things
happening that point in a certain direction; asking Christians for
advice (and listening); and actually thinking it through. He may use any
of these, usually more than one. The reason they are in this order is
that asking for guidance should start with God and end with us.
So, how does it work practically? Really, this is an impossible question, because every single situation and issue is different; but start with prayer. Always. See if God says anything, or if you have some strong idea of what to do. He promises to live in us by His Spirit, so He will guide our minds and hearts, even when we are not aware of it. Now, obviously, we are not perfect, so we will make mistakes, which is why the other things need to be considered. And He will be in those too - again sometimes without us being aware of it. Confirming Scripture doesn't really need to be explained, except to say that we don't go looking for Bible verses to support what we already think. It is more likely to be accurate if it comes from outside e.g. passages referred to in sermons, things people post on Facebook, daily Bible study notes, that sort of thing. Which leads nicely into the third one - if these things are coming from outside, then they are circumstantial; but also other things that might come up in conversation, or opportunities that are presented. The fourth one is pretty obvious: that if you ask someone else, they may see it a bit more clearly because they're at a little more of a distance, and may help you see it differently; but that if you ask someone, you should listen to whatever they say. Don't just accept it because it's from someone else, but don't just reject it either, if it's not what you want to hear. And the last is all about thinking about it; but with the important point that God is involved. Don't just say that you can't do x, so He wouldn't say that; He can.
Another issue is that there are two parts to being guided; figuring out
what to do and then doing it. This is a big problem that pretty much
everyone goes through repeatedly. When we come up against things we
don't really want to do, or don't think we can do; we can say we're not
sure what it is God wants us to do, when actually we have a fairly good
idea, we're just resisting it. Also, sometimes, in a similar way, He may
give us just the first bit, and tell us what to do next when we get
there. Or not tell us any more because that's all we can handle at that
point. Something my church leader once said that when he's struggling with guidance, he
will go back to the last thing he's sure God said and start from there.
what do we do when we have some idea, but it doesn't seem clear? Well,
two things we can always do. One is to spend time with God, praying and
worshipping. The more we do that, the clearer our minds will become.
Romans 12:2 promises us that. However, that doesn't mean it will be a
quick process; it will actually take longer than our lifetime. But it
WILL happen. And the other thing we can do is to meditate on the
situation. This doesn't mean sit back and let it happen; rather the
opposite. To meditate means to turn something over in our minds and look
at it carefully.
This being the case, that God wants us to know things and that as we
draw close(r) to Him our minds will be renewed, a good place to start
(after giving it to Him again) is to just go with our instincts. The
Bible says He will give us the desires of our hearts, and as we have our
minds renewed, our desires become more and more like His. As we go on
in life, we teach ourselves to ignore our instincts, but we all have
them, and we have them for a reason. So, that's a very good place to
start. Also, it is usually better to do something; we can even learn
from mistakes. If we don't do anything, not only will we not get
anywhere, but we won't have anything to learn from.
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